Sunday, February 21, 2010

In love?

I think i may have figured out love. Well i mean we all have our own definition of love but i have this new lease on love and it really feels good. I feel completely satisfied with life, but i also know that i could be happy being alone but that special somebody always being there is the most fulfilling understand the bond that two people can create through spending time together and making memories is absolutely amazing. I never knew that the human soul can have such a strong gravity pull effect on it toward on it. I feel like i am rambling but i had the most amazing night last night and feel as though i made one of those breakthroughs in life that occur every once in a while and they make you feel like you uncovered a truth that will make life just that much more easy. These little personal phenomenons that keep happening are creating a whole new lease on life. Im going to bid you farewell and hope i met the minimum three hundred because my internet is on the fritz. Luckily i have a phone.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

smokin valentines/birthday

ok, so obviously today was valentines day! but todays also happens to be my mom's birthday. so like a good daughter i call up my mom to wish her a happy birthday. well apparently she had as she put it a "smokin awesome birthday". Apparently her and my step dad were smelling gas today when they turned on the stove to cook something. Curious like me, she wanted to find out what was smelling like gas so she went to open up the stove door. Within seconds all she knew was that something went wrong, her face was burning and all she could smell was burnt hair. My step dad standing behind her informed her that the stove had just exploded in her face, the flames shot clear across the kitchen which may i inform you that my kitchen is quite a large kitchen. She ran to the bathroom to see that all her bangs had been burnt off and were now on top of her head in the shape of a brillo pad, she was missing her eye brows and eye lashes. Her forehead had a flash burn on it and my dog which happened to be standing close to the stove at the time of the explosion was missing his whiskers, his what you would consider eye brows were burnt off and of course no eye lashes and his chest was burnt. After finding out all of this information i was automatically shocked that it had even happened but i was thankful that she was even ok because in a situation like that, it could have been alot worse and in fact it probably should have. I mean how many people do you know that has had an oven explode in their face and they walked away with such minor injuries... not many. The biggest relief of the day though was finding out that she had closed her eyes when the flames shot out at her because she could have easily been blind and i honestly dont know what i would have done if i called my mom to wish her a happy birthday/Valentines day to find out that my mom had an oven explode in her face and worse things happened than what really did. This is one day that i am actually thankful for because i get to go another day with my mom being ok... she's just worried about not having bangs ha.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

snow fury

Absolutely insane is the only words that i can come up to explain what my Saturday was like. Ok, it all started because i had to be in Lancaster Saturday morning for my Anatomy and Physiology and got out around two o'clock, was headed West on 30 and started to strangely see that approximately half the cars headed in the same direction as me had snow on the back of their cars. ("I still can't figure it out because the storm came from the south and it just puzzles me"). Anyway, I'm headed West on 30 and a little snow starts to fall. I'm thinking ,"Hey, its snowing,... cool." Next stop was to jump onto 83 south. Listening to some old strange song that was "cool" way before my time, came onto the radio and the beat just got me and i just couldn't bring myself to press the tuner. So i start noticing that the snow was already laying on the sides of the highway and in the middle of the lanes. The coolest looking thing the snow did was i could see the it making those waves or ripples across the road! But suddenly my attention was turned to everyone slamming their brakes on in front of me. Curious as to what caused all this mumbo jumbo i proceed in sticking my head out the window to look around all the cars in front of me and see all the cars have their reverse lights on and some are turning around and coming the opposite direction. Being forced off an exit where i have no idea where i am in slippery snow is just not a good combination. So instinctively i just start following my gut as to what turns to make and keep in mind that i will see something that looks familiar eventually. Estatically i see a road named Union Church Rd. which is awesome because i know someone who lives on a Union Church Rd . Well apparently there are more than one Union Church Rd. around here. Snowy as crap I'm slowly coming around this curve and i lose control of the car and rammed into a guard rail but a little happy it was there because if it were not, i would have taken a hefty fall. Recovered i restart my way down the road and come to a stop sign. Let me explain how this intersection looked, it was shaped like this----> T....... so as i approach this stop sign i quickly notice there are cars coming from both sides and I'm going to have to really stop and wait. Well my tires i guess just didn't feel like gripping to the ground at that moment and out into traffic i went. the LARGE truck to my left managed somehow my the grace of god to make the turn right, into his side of the lane. The other guys coming from my right missed my front bumper by about maybe a few inches. At that point, sadly i cried and gave up all hope of getting home alive so one again instinctively i stopped at the first shop that said open on the front door. Now I'm walking into this country themed place that luckily sold fireplaces and had a few lit which made the place so warm..... it was awesome. I gave a call to see where someone was. It ended up to be this really nice guy that was like a X-Military guy or something because he had his service pictures and that flag that was framed in a glass box. Well i called my boyfriend who was working at the time at an Italian Restaurant i knew someone was going to pick up. So after talking.... well crying to him for only one minute my mom walked into the Restaurant. My step dad was called with his four wheel drive he trecked his way to where i was on the Susquehanna Trail which took about an hour and a half because all of 83 was being re-directed onto this Trail. finally they make it too me and notify me that the road is ok for my car so they decided to follow me home,... obviously after i got directions. It took at least another hour and a half to make it back home where i luckily got to spend my night with my grandparents on their 52nd anniversary dinner. They just so happened to be having dinner at the Restaurant my boyfriend works at.